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26/12/2010 03:53

Write to us with your feedback

Would you like to ask us questions about the services we have available? Please contact us. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us to continue to serve you to the best of our ability.
26/12/2010 03:52

Welcome to Our New Website

We would like to announce the launch of our new website. You can find information about all the latest news reports and services. Our primary goal is to keep you in the know on the most recent and upcoming events we are involved in. Be sure to check back often. Our strength lies in our faith...

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Assembléia de Deus do Belém, Bairro Colina verde RUA: 05, Nº 195 Bairro Colina Verde POUSO ALEGRE MG 37550-000
Pr, Local: Elzir Mota

Nova lista

O senhor é o meu pastor e nada me faltará

Breve colocaremos mais  conteudo em nosso site. 

Palavra de Deus pra sua vida

LEIA A BÍBLIA Pv 15:25 "O SENHOR desarraiga a casa dos soberbos, mas estabelece o termo da viúva. " Pv 21:12 "O justo considera com prudência a casa do ímpio; mas Deus destrói os ímpios por causa dos seus males. " ...